
Hardware manicure: the pros and cons of the procedure

All women want to look well-groomed and beautiful, but our hands and nails are the first thing that many people pay attention to. Therefore, the approach to manicure should always be carefully thought out and planned. After all, there are many different types of manicure, each type of which is suitable for a particular nail plate. Today we will talk about hardware manicure and tell you about its pros and cons.

What is hardware manicure

Hardware manicure came to us from Germany and immediately took not the last place among the services of nail service. This type is performed using a special hardware machine, which comes with different attachments for processing the nail plate, cuticle and nail rollers.

Features of hardware manicure

Unlike the classic, edged version of the manicure, you will not have to steam the skin of your hands beforehand. After all, the beauty of hardware manicure is that it is safer than the above option and is performed only on the dry surface of the skin of the hands.

Thanks to the hardware manicure, you will be able to qualitatively remove the cuticle, keratinized skin scales, burrs, as well as align the nail plate itself. If you go to a professional master, he will even be able to handle blisters and warts on your fingertips in a quality manner.


Each manicure machine comes with a variety of attachments. This is very good news for those girls who have their own characteristics of the skin, nails, as well as the location of blood vessels.

Depending on your characteristics, the attachments will be correctly selected, which will not injure the skin of the hands and the nails themselves. And the procedure itself will be as successful and comfortable as possible.

Pros of hardware manicure

  • Safe way compared to other types of manicure (edged, classic)
  • Suitable for women with sensitive skin, as well as with a close location of the vessels to it.
  • There is no risk of infection.
  • The cheapness of the procedure.
  • After a hardware manicure, the cuticle grows very slowly, which makes it possible to carry out the procedure less often.
  • Nails after hardware manicure will not exfoliate, and the nail plate itself will become even.

Cons of hardware manicure

  • If this is your first time visiting a master, then this type of manicure will not work. He will be too weak and will not take a very keratinized and regrown cuticle.
  • Women with too thin nail plate.
  • If you have too many burrs, the craftsman will have to use cutting tweezers here.

Who is suitable for hardware manicure

  1. If you often visit the master in the salon and do a regular manicure, then it's time to switch from the classic look to him. After all, it is then that the hardware manicure will more efficiently remove the cuticle from the nail, and also fight the keratinized skin rolls.
  2. If you suffer from increased bleeding of the skin around the nail, then the hardware manicure will remove the excess as delicately as possible, but will not touch the vessels, even if they are too close to the surface.
  3. If you are short on time, then hardware manicure is a very quick procedure that takes very little time. 25 to 35 minutes.



