
Haircut cascade for medium hair

A cascade on medium-length hair is the golden mean among haircuts. With such a haircut, you can allow various coloring techniques, the variability of the cascade is not limited to the flight of imagination, styling looks great on the cascade. Layering is now a trend not only in clothes, but also in haircuts, so the cascade is more relevant than ever.

Advantages of the cascade

  • Provides volume and movement on fine and thin hair
  • With the correct selection of the cascade on thick and heavy hair, lightness is created, does not require styling
  • Looks especially stylish in combination of coloring shatush, airtach or balayazh
  • If the strands frame the face, you can hide small imperfections in the form of wrinkles or fullness.
  • Changes or emphasizes the oval of the face

Who may not be suitable for the cascade

  • If you have tight little curls, the cascade can create an odd shape and extra volume on your head.
  • If you have very heavy and thick hair, it will be difficult to achieve the proper effect of flying hair from multi-layered cuts.
  • If you have dry hair, split ends, brittle - all these imperfections on the cascade will be visible
  • If you are letting go of long hair, this will not work for you. It is difficult and time consuming to return the same length

Varieties of the cascade

Since the cascade is always relevant, it only slightly changes from season to season, the following variations can be distinguished:

  • graduated cascade
  • ragged cascade (done with a blade or razor)
  • cascade with bangs
  • double cascade

Graduated cascade

The most magnificent view of the cascade - the layers start from the crown, an excellent volume is created.

Ragged cascade

It got its name from the technique with which you can achieve very thin and sharp cuts in layers, performed with a razor or blade

Cascade with bangs

The bangs perfectly complements the cascade, see for yourself

Double cascade

The image of really cocky girls


