
Monograms on nails step by step for beginners (54 photos)

A manicure with a beautiful design or pattern always attracts more than just a plain finish. In this article we will show you how to draw the most popular patterns - monograms. We will also tell you about the features of the pattern and provide photo ideas.

Pattern features

The monogram pattern appeared a very long time ago and over time it undergoes more and more changes and different interpretations. To draw beautiful monograms, you will need acrylic paint, fine paint brushes, and plastic dummy nails that you can practice on.

The main thing to remember is that a pattern like a monogram will not work for you if you have short nails. Such a pretentious pattern will hide the nail plate, and on short nails it will look out of place.

More details about the selection of the tool

To draw high-quality monograms, you will need a set of tools that will allow you to create a pattern quickly and easily. To do this, you need acrylic paints or colored varnishes that will not be very liquid.

You will also need brushes: a styler, which has an elongated bristle, and a brush number 00 to help you draw the curls.

It is also worth purchasing a special dots. It helps to draw pictures, puts dots, and it looks like a rod with balls at both ends.

How to draw a monogram step by step

To begin with, you should always tidy up your nails before starting to draw pictures. So you can do classic trim manicure or European.

Then cover your nails with any color of varnish, and then squeeze some acrylic paint into any flat container. The color of the paint is selected depending on the color of your coating. Then take a thin brush and lightly dampen it with paint.

Draw thin semicircles on the nail, and the points themselves can be put with the help of dots. Then continue using the brush to paint the monograms, gradually picking up the pattern as shown in the photo. Below we will provide various ideas and stencils for creating beautiful monogram patterns. After your design is ready, cover it with clear varnish to prevent smudging.

Monogram manicure ideas

Glossy finish

The most popular finish for creating monogram patterns is a glossy finish. To do this, you can simply use any varnish that you like.

Matte finish

On matte finish monograms will look especially bright. Use a dark finish, and the designs can be white or colored.

Ombre coating

This look will be very difficult to do at home. Since the cover ombre quite difficult to execute. Monograms on such a surface look especially fantastic.


The most popular demand is the monogram pattern when creating French manicure... Thanks to the monograms, you can beautifully decorate a jacket made in a standard color.

Stencils for creating monograms

Here you can find various ideas for creating light and complex monograms on your nails. Practice and soon you will learn how to make monograms very quickly and beautifully for any level of difficulty.


